Ruby Walk for MND

Created by Carole 24th September 2023 This event has closed


Since April 2020 John has been living with his Motor Neurone Disease diagnosis and I am so proud of him. Yes, life is different now and not what we expected but we try to make the most of each day and live life as “normally” as possible. John does as much as he can and it is his determination that has inspired me to take on a challenge to raise awareness of MND and continue our family’s fund raising for the MND Association. Along with family and friends, I am going to do a “Ruby Walk for MND”, completing 40kms for 40 years in a day. This will be happening on Sunday 24th September 2023, our 40th Wedding Anniversary. We will be walking from Kempston to Shillington, the long way, taking in Haynes, Shefford, Clifton (where John grew up), Henlow, Stondon, Pirton (where John and Carole used to drink before they got married) and finally Shillington where Carole grew up and they got married. Training has already begun for the walk and Carole and her friends can be seen walking the local footpaths most weekends clocking up the miles. If anyone else would like to join us just let Carole know. If anyone would like to support the very important work of the Motor Neurone Disease Association please donate here. Every penny counts. 2023 the fundraising continues!!!!!!


10 days to go!!

14th September 2023
Only 10 days until we take on our challenge!!

Kempston - Shefford

31st July 2023
Yesterday, Sunday 30th July, a few of us walked the first half of the walk. Lovely walk in the sunshine ☀️, I definitely need some hill practice!!!